Creator of the Exhibition
We are meant to move towards our destination (Heaven) and are not “to die as photocopies.” Carlo used to say that the Word of God must be the compass by which we must constantly orientate ourselves. Extreme means are required to reach such a lofty destination: the sacraments and prayer. Carlo placed the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the heart of his own life, and he called it “my highway to heaven”. After receiving his first communion at the age of seven, Carlo did not miss daily mass or reciting the rosary. He would always try to practice Eucharistic Devotion and was convinced that “by standing before the Eucharistic Christ, we become holy” Carlo would often ask himself why there were mile-long queues of people waiting for hours to go to a rock concert or a film, but never the same queues in front of the Eucharistic Christ. He said people did not realise what they were missing, otherwise churches would be so full that you would not get into them. He would repeat passionately that in the Blessed Sacrament –– Christ was present in the same way he was 2000 years ago during the time of the Apostles. Back then, people had to travel constantly to see him, while we are much luckier today because we can find him in any church close to our homes. In his words, “Jerusalem is right on our doorstep.” From his days as a good catechist, he would try his best to find new ways to help others to strengthen their own faith. For this reason, he left his exhibitions as a legacy, among which the Miracles of the Eucharist stands out. In 2002, while visiting the Meeting in Rimini exhibition, Carlo decided to stage an exhibition about the Miracles of the Eucharist which had been recognised by the Church. This demanding work also involved his family for almost two and a half years. The spiritual effects brought about by the exhibition could not have been predicted before its opening. The exhibition has now been hosted on all five continents. Many parishes asked for the material be catalogued and this was accompanied by an important preface written by Card. Angelo Comastri, Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of the Vatican and Vicar General to his Holiness for the Vatican City, and by His Excellency Mons. Raffaello Martinelli, then Head of the Catechetical Office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. From that moment on, given the results, the exhibition “has performed miracles.” In the United States, the exhibition has been hosted in thousands of parishes and more than 100 universities. It has been promoted by several Episcopal Conferences, including those of the Philippines, Argentina and Vietnam, etc. It has travelled to China and Indonesia. Important basilicas and sanctuaries have hosted Carlo’s exhibition, including the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima.